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Notes on Sound Healing 
©1998 Linda S. Gibson 

Everything in life is formed of vibration. This is a result of the movement of electrons and protons of every atom of every molecule of every substance. Vibration exists in objects, animals, people and the atmosphere. The vibrational frequencies of animate life are more active, vibrant and variant than inanimate matters. (If our hearing were to possess the necessary sensitivity to perceive all ranges of frequencies, we would be able to hear the music of flowers and grass, mountains and valleys, the singing of the sky and the stars and the symphony of our own bodies). All organs, tissues and systems of our body have similar vibrating atoms. When allergens or contaminated foods enter our body, it alters normal vibrational patterns of the body or system. When we have an unbalanced emotional or mental attitude, a misalignment of the subtle bodies with the physical body can occur. When this happens, the body needs help to restore itself to its original vibration. 

When you focus sound vibration to a problem area, balance to that area can be temporarily restored. When there is balance, the body is more effective in eliminating toxins and negativities. 

Sound is considered the direct link between humanity and the divine - it is the contributing factor to our present states of health and consciousness. The human body is a bioelectrical system which can be altered, strengthened and balanced through the use of sound. 

There are 8 basic principles to healing sound: 

    principle of resonance 
    principle of rhythm 
    principle of melody 
    principle of harmony 
    principle of pitch 
    principle of timbre 
    accumulative and detectable effects 
    sound as energy resonance (or sympathetic vibration)

The most important healing principle of sound and music it is the ability of a vibration to reach out through vibrational waves to set off a similar vibration in another body. It triggers response of similar frequency. Every cell in the body is a sound resonator and has the capacity to sound outside itself. By learning to direct and control our voice, use of musical instruments or applying tones and forms of music, sound healing can stimulate within our body and mind.

Rhythm is the pulse of life rhythm affects all physical conditions restores normal healthy pulse - being exposed to a normal steady rhythm triggers the same response in your own body.
Rattles - loosened the energy in the chakras to allow for easier cleansing of negative energies
D drums - trigger resonance with our own biological rhythms drumming (along with rattles and bells) energizes the body and increases the blood flow - it can quicken or slow the heartbeat and all the organs associated to it. 

Melody eases stress and relieves pain soothes and alters emotional and mental stress. Melody cannot exist without relationship, so therefore it helps us to see how everything is connected (more than one tone is needed to produce melody) singing or humming a simple melody every day is one of the most therapeutic exercises we can perform. It restores balance and helps to cleanse us of negative energy debris. It relaxes us and prevents physical illness. 

Harmony the pleasing combination of two or more tones in a chord, affects subtle and spiritual energies. The physical can align with the spiritual energies. The simpler the harmony - the better harmony is the key to altering, transmuting, raising, lowering and shifting our energies on all levels. Harmony enables us to transmute major conditions of the body and alter states of consciousness. By finding the right combination of tones and rhythms and their harmonies, we can trigger a dynamic resonance that corrects and eliminates great imbalances. 

Pitch the highest or lowest of a sound is determined by the speed at which sound waves vibrate - the faster the sound waves, the higher the pitch. Various pitch patterns can help us in shattering rigid energy patterns that limit our growth, awareness and health. Specific pitches affect specific chakras. Pitch brings the chakras back to their normal vibration whether they are under or over active. The musical scale (c,d,e,f,g,a,b) are associated to the seven chakras (c being associated to the 1st and b to the 7th). Singing the scale (or do, re, mi, etc.) Everyday is very beneficial to maintain balance. Listening to a piece of music that is written in the key associated to the unbalanced chakra will help balance it. Playing musical instruments in particular key can be used. (I use harmonica in the key of c for root chakra, and I use a chromatic pitch instrument (which can be bought in a music store and are very inexpensive) for all pitches. Learning to sing or tone pitches is a way to restore energies to their natural level. 

Timbre is the quality, distinctive characteristics and influence of sounds. The distinguishing source of sound. Timbre helps us identify one sound from another. Every sound and sound instrument has its own characteristics timbre with pitch creates responses that are either consonant or dissonant. A response with consonance to the timbre of sound is positive. The cells in our body recognize the sound as being good for us and respond positively such as the soft flow of the flute. A response with dissonance to the timbre of sound is negative. Our energies are distinguishing sounds that are not harmonious such as whining or a fingernail being scrapped across a blackboard. Both can be used for healing principle of accumulative and delectable effects effects of sound are accumulative - the more you are exposed to beneficial sound, the greater and more permanent effect on your energies. The more we are exposed to detrimental sounds, the greater and more negative effects it has upon us on all levels. Our bodies respond to spoken sounds. Our bodies respond to all sounds. 

Toning is also used for sound healing. Toning is the process of vibrating sounds and tones to cleanse, harmonize and heal. Toning restores the vibrational pattern of the body (physical and subtle) so our spiritual essence can manifest more fully within the physical environment. 
Voice belongs to the body, but it is the instrument of the spiritual self. Voice releases power and the power is released in the direction of our thoughts. Thus, it is sending the energy to the right area of the body .... like and old saying "all energy follows thought" (intent) breath is an important process of toning. It is the quick intake or grasp of energy that carries an image or thought to the subconscious. All aspects of toning are related to breath. Breath is life. When we become aware of our breathing patterns, we have greater control over them. As we become more balanced with toning, our breathing becomes more fluid, healthy, and harmonious. If voice cracks and fluctuates when toning, it indicates an imbalance - continue to tone until voice smoothes and balances. 

We, on the whole, do not pay attention to our responses to sound. Paying attention to our responses. Become more perceptive. The principle of sound as energy and form is a source to interact with other energies. Sound is an effective tool for altering electromagnetic fields and impulses of both the individual and the environment. Sound can be used as tool for a change of consciousness. 

Sound facilitates: 

    increased awareness 
    Induce psyscho-spiritual states 
    Discerning the metaphysical cause of a physical problem
The unique aspect of sound is that you cannot use it without it relieving stress - its automatic! 


THE CHAKRA HANDBOOK by Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski, 

Personal and Planetary Transformation
with Sound and Sacred Geometry

SCENAR pain management

D r e a m W e a v i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l

1996-2007 B e n e d i c k   H o w a r d

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